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The Hockey-Kids, Englisch

Book 1: The Adventure begins


Lena, Max and Lars are speechless:


Of all people to get landed with, the three friends find themselves in the new hockey project with Lena’s cheeky little brother and Tom, the show-off from the soccer club.


Things couldn’t get much worse than that! Or could they?


What other reasons could they have for secret meetings in the school yard, and what do Tom’s red ears mean?


Join them in “The Adventure Begins”, the first book in the Hockey Kids series, when – despite lots of amusing setbacks – a team comes together, the like of which has never been seen before!


A fascinating adventure all about friendship, school and the greatest sport in the world - hockey!


While there are numerous children’s books dedicated to football, The Hockey Kids gives young readers a chance to discover the wonderful world of hockey. With 100 pages and lots of charming illustrations - also the author’s work - this series is particularly suitable for primary school pupils, whether they are new to hockey or already young hockey players.


An inspiring foreword by international FIH elite coach Chris Faust and a motivating epilogue by Marijke Fleuren, President European Hockey Federation, complete the exciting adventure experienced by the three friends Lena, Max and Lars, and arouse interest in this sport.


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