My sites...

The Hockey-Kids in United Kingdom


World Book Day! Huge thanks to this little young man who presented his favourite book at school in the UK.


Have you read or presented the Hockey-Kids as well?


Write me HERE and tell me about it...

The press...

The European Hockey Federation EuroHockey about my nomination, 6. November 2023
The International Hockey Federation FIH about my nomination, 02. November 2023

Latest News

Deutscher Lesepreis 2024!

Ehrenvolle Auszeichnung in Berlin!

Kooperationspartner DHB

Frisch besiegelte DHB-Partnerschaft!

Erscheint im Herbst 2024 ...

Die neue Kinderbuchreihe ab 2024

++ Jetzt gleich streamen! ++

++++ NEU! DAS HÖRBUCH! ++++

Die Hockey-Kids KITA Kiste

Für Vereine zum Verleihen an Kitas ...

Die Hockey-Kids bei euch ...

Lesungstermine für Schulen & Clubs

About Fair Play & Copyright

The FIH about my books...

International Hockey Federation
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© Sabine Hahn - All illustrations are protected by copyright.