
Hooray! My little book heroes Lena, Max & Lars are starting a heartfelt and never seen campaign!


Combining literature with the development of hockey in a next level, I will from now on collect (not only) hockey sticks during my numerous reading tours through clubs and schools across Germany, Switzerland, France,... to enable kids all over the world to play, enjoy and love hockey like my three little heroes do.


Supported by the International Hockey Federation‘s The Hockey Foundation as an official Hockey4Life project, my long-term campaign will deliver hockey equipment e.g. to Gabriel Tuscher ‘s project La route du stick for Africa and other wonderful global projects.


You'll find all participating clubs, schools and federations listed in a lovely gallery here on my author's site very soon... and also the great adventures that their donated sticks will experience on their way to their new little hockey friends all over the world.


Are you interested? Just write me HERE to get more information.


Be part of it!



Thank you!

Thank you so much, Goslarer Hockey Club!


Picture of the donation  with Volker Barckmann (pres.) after my colourful reading in a kindergarten in Goslar.

Huge thanks to Anoesjka van Woudenber & HC Voorne in the Netherlands for 18 team's shirts!



Delighted about receiving more than 30 new hockey sticks, donated by the German hockey club DTV Hannover for my campaign.


Thank you so much for  this overwhelming and really generous donation that was delivered by parcel post November 2020 due to covid-19.


How to donate...

Are you going to meet me during one of my funny readings and listen to the Hockey-Kids' adventures? Fantastic!


Just take your old hockeystick with you and donate it during my great reading.


You'll get two campaign stickers: put one on your old stick and another one on your own current one... That way, you will build a lovely imaginary „bridge“ between you, your stick and the kid who will get it somewhere far far away.


Let’s get it started! Let’s build loads of „bridges“!


Participating clubs so far...

  • Basler HC 1911, U16 EM Hockey5s in der Schweiz, Juli 2022
  • Goslarer HC, Juni 2022
  • SC Safo, Frankfurt, Dezember 2021
  • TGS Vorwärts, Frankfurt, October 2021
  • HC Voorne, Netherlands, January 2021
  • DTV Hannover, donation by parcel post, November 2020
  • LSC Luzern, during the EuroHockey Lucerne, January 2020
  • Bielefelder BTG, Dezember 2019 

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