
Being in cooperation with The Hockey-Kids is funny, colorful and inspiring. Are you interested? Just write me HERE to get in contact...

The Wheely Hockey-Kids ... get your free licence

Making my illustration available to those who do such a great job and who enable people to practice our wonderful sport in all kinds and different ways took me to the decision to grant the license for this illustration in a special, free of charge cooperation agreement unlike my Hockey-Kids usually. Ask me for my terms and conditions and get your licence:

Hockey Club Forézien (France)

1st partner of the Wheely Hockey-Kids

PlayMoovin' (France)

Wheel chair manufacturer

Latest News

Deutscher Lesepreis 2024!

Ehrenvolle Auszeichnung in Berlin!

Kooperationspartner DHB

Frisch besiegelte DHB-Partnerschaft!

Erscheint im Herbst 2024 ...

Die neue Kinderbuchreihe ab 2024

++ Jetzt gleich streamen! ++

++++ NEU! DAS HÖRBUCH! ++++

Die Hockey-Kids KITA Kiste

Für Vereine zum Verleihen an Kitas ...

Die Hockey-Kids bei euch ...

Lesungstermine für Schulen & Clubs

About Fair Play & Copyright

The FIH about my books...

International Hockey Federation
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© Sabine Hahn - All illustrations are protected by copyright.