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... to my funny kids' books website! 


Come in and find out more about my passions in all things concerning books and hockey. Just click on the listed pictures on the bottom to get to the next pages.


Discover my newest English book "The WORLD Hockey-Kids" and all other "Hockey-Kids" books!


Have a curious insight in my readings & activity program and get the free downloads for my little readers.


Enjoy my website and please mind the "Fair Play" below...

Happy New Year & Happy Birthday!

The Hockey-Kids and more...

About me

All about my passions ...

The books

Discover The Hockey-Kids' books

Press & sites

Articles, interviews and my sites ...


Let's team up! Welcome to my world!


Enjoy my interactive events for kids!

Kids' corner

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Online readings

Let's meet and read online! Discover my funny and interactive online readings for kids!

About the copyright

Books for the world

Enabling underprivileged kids to read my books, to give them access to my stories and to support the fantastic work of institutions all over the world are just a few of my reasons why I don't support German tombolas but these important international organisations every two years.

Latest News

Deutscher Lesepreis 2024!

Ehrenvolle Auszeichnung in Berlin!

Kooperationspartner DHB

Frisch besiegelte DHB-Partnerschaft!

Erscheint im Herbst 2024 ...

Die neue Kinderbuchreihe ab 2024

++ Jetzt gleich streamen! ++

++++ NEU! DAS HÖRBUCH! ++++

Die Hockey-Kids KITA Kiste

Für Vereine zum Verleihen an Kitas ...

Die Hockey-Kids bei euch ...

Lesungstermine für Schulen & Clubs

About Fair Play & Copyright

The FIH about my books...

International Hockey Federation
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© Sabine Hahn - All illustrations are protected by copyright.